Workflow Handles
A workflow handle represents the state of a particular active or completed workflow execution.
You obtain a workflow handle when using DBOS.start_workflow
to start a workflow in the background.
If you know a workflow's identity, you can also retrieve its handle using DBOS.retrieve_workflow
handle.get_workflow_id() -> str
Retrieve the ID of the workflow.
handle.get_result() -> R
Wait for the workflow to complete, then return its result.
handle.get_status() -> WorkflowStatus
Retrieve the workflow's status, defined below.
handle.get_workflow_id() -> str
Retrieve the ID of the workflow. Behaves identically to the WorkflowHandle version.
handle.get_result() -> Coroutine[Any, Any, R]
Asynchronously wait for the workflow to complete, then return its result. Similar to the WorkflowHandle version, except asynchronous.
handle.get_status() -> Coroutine[Any, Any, WorkflowStatus]
Asynchronously retrieves the workflow's status, defined below.
class WorkflowStatus:
workflow_id: str # The workflow's ID
status: str # The workflow's current state. One of PENDING, SUCCESS, ERROR, RETRIES_EXCEEDED, or CANCELLED
name: str # The fully qualified name of the workflow function
class_name: Optional[str] # If the workflow function is a class method, the name of the class
config_name: Optional[str] # If the workflow function is a method of a configured class, the name of the class configuration
authenticated_user: Optional[str] # The authenticated user running the workflow
assumed_role: Optional[str] # The role with which the workflow is run
authenticatedRoles: Optional[List[str]] # All roles which the authenticated user could assume