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Hacker News Slackbot

In this example, we use DBOS to build and deploy a scheduled job that periodically searches Hacker News for people commenting about serverless computing and posts the comments to Slack.

All source code is available on GitHub.

Import and Initialize the App

Let's start off with imports and initializing the DBOS app.

import html
import os
import re
import threading
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta

import requests
import slack_sdk
from dbos import DBOS


Searching Hacker News

Next, let's write a function that searches Hacker News. This function uses Algolia's Hacker News Search API to find all comments in the last N hours containing a search term. It returns matching comments and links to them. We annotate this function with @DBOS.step so later we can durably call it from our scheduled workflow.

def search_hackernews(query: str, window_size_hours: int):
threshold = - timedelta(hours=window_size_hours)

params = {
"tags": "comment",
"query": query,
"numericFilters": f"created_at_i>{threshold.timestamp()}",

response = requests.get("", params).json()

hits = []
for hit in response["hits"]:
# Reformat the comment by unescaping HTML, adding newlines, and removing HTML tags
comment = hit["comment_text"]
comment = re.sub("<p>", "\n", html.unescape(comment))
comment = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", comment)
url = f"{hit['objectID']}"
hits.append((comment, url))
return hits

Posting to Slack

Next, let's write a function that posts a Hacker News comment and its URL to Slack. This function requires a Slack bot token supplied through an environment variable. We'll explain later how to generate one. Again, we annotate this function with @DBOS.step so later we can durably call it from our scheduled workflow.

def post_to_slack(comment: str, url: str):
message = f"{comment}\n\n{url}"
client = slack_sdk.WebClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_HN_BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN"])

Next, let's write a scheduled job that runs the search every hour and posts its findings to Slack. The @DBOS.scheduled decorator tells DBOS to run this function on a schedule defined in crontab syntax, in this case once per hour. The @DBOS.workflow decorator tells DBOS to durably execute this function, so it runs exactly-once per hour and you'll never miss a Hacker News comment or record a duplicate.

@DBOS.scheduled("0 * * * *")
def run_hourly(scheduled_time: datetime, actual_time: datetime):
results = search_hackernews("serverless", window_size_hours=1)
for comment, url in results:
post_to_slack(comment, url)"Found {len(results)} comments at {str(actual_time)}")

Finally, in our main function, let's launch DBOS, then sleep the main thread forever while the scheduled job runs in the background:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Try it Yourself!

Setting Up Slack

To run this app, you need a Slack bot token for your workspace. Follow this tutorial to generate one. Your token should start with "xoxb". Set it as an environment variable like so:

export SLACK_HN_BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN=<your_token>

You should also create a Slack channel named hacker-news-alerts in your workspace for the bot to post to!

Deploying to the Cloud

To deploy this app as a persistent scheduled job to DBOS Cloud, first install the DBOS Cloud CLI (requires Node):

npm i -g @dbos-inc/dbos-cloud

Then clone the dbos-demo-apps repository and deploy:

git clone
cd python/hackernews-alerts
dbos-cloud app deploy

You can visit the DBOS Cloud Console to see your app's status and logs.

Running Locally

First, clone and enter the dbos-demo-apps repository:

git clone
cd python/hackernews-alerts

Then create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Then start your app:

pip install -r requirements.txt
dbos start