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Using Drizzle

Drizzle is a lightweight TypeScript ORM. It allows developers to construct SQL queries in native TypeScript. It also supports querying the database with raw SQL.

Getting Started

An easy way to get started with Drizzle is to bootstrap your application with our Drizzle template. This is similar to the template used in the quickstart, but built with Drizzle instead of Knex. To download it, run:

npx -y @dbos-inc/create@latest -t hello-drizzle -n <app-name>

Then, build it, run schema migrations, and start the sample app:

npm run build
npx dbos migrate
npx dbos start

To see that it's working, visit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000/greeting/dbos. You should get this message: Hello, dbos! We have made 1 greetings. Each time you refresh the page, the counter should go up by one.

Schema Management

We strongly recommend you manage your database schema using migrations. Drizzle provides rich native migration support, with documentation here.

Drizzle can automatically generate migrations from your schema. To use this feature, update your schema file (by default src/schema.ts, configurable in drizzle.config.ts) then run:

npx drizzle-kit generate --name <migration-name>

This will create a new migration file named drizzle/<sequence-number>_<migration-name>.sql that contains SQL commands to update your database schema.

To apply your migrations to your database, run:

npx dbos migrate

You can also write your own migration by running:

npx drizzle-kit generate --custom --name <migration-name>

This will create a new empty migration file named drizzle/<sequence-number>_<migration-name>.sql. You can implement your migration in SQL in this file.

Using Drizzle

When using DBOS, database operations are performed in transaction functions. Transaction functions must be annotated with the @Transaction decorator and must have a TransactionContext<NodePgDatabase> as their first argument. Note that we specify NodePgDatabase in angle brackets to use Drizzle.

Within the transaction function, access your Drizzle client from the .client field of your transaction context. For example, this function inserts a new row into the greetings table:

export const greetings = pgTable('greetings', {
name: text('name'),
note: text('note')

export class DBOSGreetings {
static async insertGreeting(ctxt: TransactionContext<NodePgDatabase>, name: string, note: string) {
await ctxt.client.insert(greetings).values({name: name, note: note});

Configuring Drizzle


If you are using the Drizzle template, this configuration is done for you.

To enable Drizzle, you must set the app_db_client field in the DBOS configuration file to drizzle. You should also configure Drizzle migration commands. Here is an example of a configuration file set up for Drizzle:

language: node
hostname: localhost
port: 5432
username: postgres
password: ${PGPASSWORD}
connectionTimeoutMillis: 3000
app_db_client: drizzle
- npx drizzle-kit migrate
- dist/operations.js

Many Drizzle commands, such as those for schema migration, require a drizzle.config.ts configuration file. To avoid managing your configuration in two places, we recommend drizzle.config.ts load configuration information from your DBOS configuration file. Here is an example of a drizzle.config.ts that does this:

import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit';

const { parseConfigFile } = require('@dbos-inc/dbos-sdk');

const [dbosConfig, ] = parseConfigFile();

export default defineConfig({
schema: './src/schema.ts',
out: './drizzle',
dialect: 'postgresql',
dbCredentials: {
port: dbosConfig.poolConfig.port,
user: dbosConfig.poolConfig.user,
password: dbosConfig.poolConfig.password,
database: dbosConfig.poolConfig.database,
ssl: dbosConfig.poolConfig.ssl,