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Database Management

Provisioning Database Instances

Before you can deploy an application to DBOS Cloud, you must provision a Postgres database instance (server) for it. You must choose a database instance name, username and password.

  • Both the database instance name and username must be 3 to 16 characters long and contain only lowercase letters, numbers and underscores.
  • The username must start with a letter.
  • The usernames dbosadmin, dbos, postgres and admin are reserved and cannot be used.
  • The database password must contain between 8 and 128 characters, and cannot contain the characters /, ", @, ', or whitespaces.

Run this command and choose your database password when prompted:

dbos-cloud db provision <database-instance-name> -U <database-username>

A Postgres database instance (server) can host many independent databases used by different applications. You can configure to which database on this server your app connects through the app_db_name field in its dbos-config.yaml.


If you forget your database password, you can always reset it.

To see a list of all provisioned instances and their statuses, run:

dbos-cloud db list

To retrieve the status of a particular instance, run:

dbos-cloud db status <database-instance-name>

Database Schema Management

Every time you deploy an application to DBOS Cloud, it runs all migrations defined in your dbos-config.yaml. This is the same as running dbos migrate locally.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to manually perform schema changes on a cloud database, for example to recover from a schema migration failure. To make this easier, you can load your cloud database connection information into your local dbos-config.yaml configuration file by running:

dbos-cloud db connect <database-name>

You can then locally run any migration command (for example, a down-migration command in your schema migration tool) and it will execute on your cloud database.


While it is occasionally necessary, be careful when manually changing the schema on a production database.


Be careful making breaking schema changes such as deleting or renaming a column—they may break active workflows running on a previous application version.

Database Recovery


Database recovery is not available for linked databases

DBOS Cloud can use PostgreSQL point-in-time-recovery to restore your database to a previous state, for example to recover from data corruption or loss. First, run the database restore to create a new database instance containing the state of your database instance at a previous point in time:

dbos-cloud db restore <database-name> -t <timestamp> -n <new-db-instance-name>

The timestamp must be in RFC3339 format and must be within the backup retention period of your database (24 hours for free-tier users).

After the database is restored, you can redeploy your applications to it with app change-database-instance. For each application connected to the original database instance, run:

dbos-cloud app change-database-instance --database <new-db-instance-name>

If you wish to restore your application to a previous version (such as the version that was running at the recovery timestamp), you can do this with the --previous-version parameter:

dbos-cloud app change-database-instance --database <new-db-instance-name> --previous-version <version-id>

For more information on application version management, see here.

Finally, destroy the original database instance:

dbos-cloud db destroy <original-database-instance-name>

Destroying Database Instances

To destroy a database instance, run:

dbos-cloud db destroy <database-name>

Take care—this will irreversibly delete all data in the database instance.