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Bring Your Own Database

In this guide, you'll learn how to bring your own PostgreSQL database instance to DBOS Cloud and deploy your applications to it.


This feature is currently only available to DBOS Pro or Enterprise subscribers.

Linking Your Database to DBOS Cloud

To bring your own PostgreSQL database instance to DBOS Cloud, you must first create a role DBOS Cloud can use to deploy and manage your apps. This role must be named dbosadmin and must have the LOGIN, CREATEDB and CREATEROLE privileges:


Next, link your database instance to DBOS Cloud, entering the password for the dbosadmin role when prompted. You must choose a database instance name that is 3 to 16 characters long and contains only lowercase letters, numbers and underscores.

npx dbos-cloud db link <database-instance-name> -H <database-hostname> -p <database-port>

You can now register and deploy applications with this database instance as normal! Check out our applications management guide for details.


DBOS Cloud is currently hosted in AWS us-east-1. For maximum performance, we recommend linking a database instance hosted there.

Enabling Time Travel

DBOS Cloud uses Postgres logical replication to capture database history information used in time travel. To enable logical replication, you must configure the PostgreSQL wal_level to logical and increase max_replication_slots to ensure your database has at least three open replication slots per DBOS application you intend to deploy:

Create or edit your database instance's parameter group to set:

rds.logical_replication = 1
max_replication_slots = 30 # At least three open replication slots per DBOS application

You need to restart your database after changing these parameters for the changes to take effect.

Additionally, you must grant the dbosadmin role permissions to manage replication slots and subscriptions:

GRANT rds_replication to dbosadmin;
GRANT pg_create_subscription TO dbosadmin;

The pg_create_subscription role is added in PostgreSQL version 16. For earlier PostgreSQL versions, you may grant dbosadmin a superuser role or contact us for help.

Finally, link your database instance to DBOS Cloud with time travel enabled, entering the password for the dbosadmin role when prompted:

npx dbos-cloud db link <database-instance-name> -H <database-hostname> -p <database-port> --enable-timetravel

You can now register and deploy applications with this database instance as normal and make full use of time travel! Check out our applications management and time travel guides for details.