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Cloud Application Management

In this guide, you'll learn how to manage applications in DBOS Cloud.


To deploy an application, you need a database to connect to. You can use the database you created in the quickstart or provision a new one. Additionally, you must define schema migrations to create your application's tables.

Registering and Deploying Applications

The first step in deploying an application to DBOS Cloud is registering it. To register an application, run the following command in your application root directory, where database-instance-name is the name of a Postgres database instance you've provisioned:

npx dbos-cloud app register -d <database-instance-name>

Your application is automatically registered under the name in its package.json. Application names should be between 3 and 30 characters and must contain only lowercase letters and numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_).

After you've registered your application, deploy it to run it in the cloud. Run this command in your application root directory:

npx dbos-cloud app deploy

When you deploy an application, DBOS Cloud first runs npx dbos migrate on your application database to apply all schema migrations you've defined. It then starts your application. After your application is deployed, DBOS Cloud hosts it at this URL, which is also printed by the deploy command:


If your account belongs to an organization, applications are hosted at https://<organization-name>-<app-name>

If you edit your application or schema, run npx dbos-cloud app deploy again to apply the latest migrations and upgrade to the latest version.


You don't have to worry about changing database server connection parameters like hostname or password in dbos-config.yaml to deploy an application to the cloud—DBOS automatically applies the connection information of your cloud database instance.


Be careful making breaking schema changes such as deleting or renaming a column—they may break active workflows running on a previous application version.

Monitoring and Debugging Applications

DBOS provides many tools to monitor and debug applications:

Managing Application Versions

Each time you deploy an application, it creates a new version with a unique ID. To list all previous versions of your application, run:

npx dbos-cloud app versions <app-name>

You can redeploy a previous version of your application by passing --previous-version <version-id> to the app deploy command.

npx dbos-cloud app deploy --previous-version <version-id>

However, this will fail if the previous and current versions have different database schemas. For more information on schema management, see our schema management guide.

Deleting Applications

To delete an application, run:

npx dbos-cloud app delete <app-name>